Producător global personalizat, integrator, consolidator, partener de outsourcing pentru o gamă largă de produse și servicii.
Suntem sursa dvs. unică pentru producția, fabricarea, inginerie, consolidare, integrare, externalizare a produselor și serviciilor fabricate la comandă și de pe raft.
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Fabricare la comandă
Producție pe bază de contract intern și global
Externalizarea producției
Achiziții interne și globale
Integrare inginerie
Servicii de inginerie
Custom Manufacturing
Custom manufacturing is our strength. We custom manufacture for you any product that is manufacturable. Custom manufacturing encompasses procedures such as designing, engineering, and manufacturing products tailored to a customer’s preference and taste. Custom manufacturing process requires working closely with the end user to design and develop the product. Therefore, custom manufacturing often requires careful and excellent communication and advanced expertise.
Custom manufacturing is the process of designing, engineering, and producing goods based on a customer's unique specifications. Custom manufacturing may include build to order (BTO) parts, one-offs, short production runs, as well mass customization and production.
Under our PRODUCTS menu you will find the large variety of products we manufacture for our customers. Therefore there is no need to repeat that here. However, in bullet form we nevertheless would like to list how we can make your dreams come though when you need a product made specially for you or your company:
We can manufacture any product according to your drawings, design, samples, description.....etc as long as it is technically and legally manufacturable.
We can modify, change, convert, improve any product you wish according to your needs and preferences.
We can consolidate and incorporate any products of your choice into a subassembly or an assembly.
We can reverse engineer and replicate any product you wish, including its hardware, software and firmware.
We can package products using any packaging materials, labels, stickers.....etc. of your choice. In addition, we can produce your product brochures, user instruction brochures and other documents as you wish and include them inside the product packages.
We can PRIVATE LABEL or WHITE LABEL most products you find on our site. If you can't find the product of your choice, simply fill out our FORM and we will locate and look into private labeling options for you.
Suntem AGS-TECH Inc., sursa dumneavoastră unică pentru producție și fabricare și inginerie, externalizare și consolidare. Suntem cel mai divers integrator de inginerie din lume, oferindu-vă producție personalizată, subansamblu, asamblare de produse și servicii de inginerie.